Age, Weight, and Height Requirements for Child Car Seats in Illinois
Parents and guardians always want to make sure their child is safely secured in their car seat before driving. However, some may not know the Illinois booster seat laws that determine what type of equipment your child needs and which direction they should face while in the vehicle. If a collision occurs, a child that […]
How Often Do Cases of Assault and Battery Happen at Nursing Homes?
When your loved one enters a nursing home, they do so with the assumption they will be cared for and provided with the necessities they need to be comfortable, happy, and healthy. Unfortunately, there are times where that does not happen. While we often think of nursing home abuse happening between a staff member and […]
The Danger of Forced Arbitration When Used to Silence Sexual Assault Victims
In Aug. 2017, a 45-year-old teacher, Aimee Palmitessa, was arrested and charged with 12 felonies related to having sex with a minor. She taught at Brentwood School in Los Angeles, California, a $44,000 per year private academy. She was known in the school to flirt with male students and make inappropriate jokes. The specific relationship […]
When Is Going to an Urgent Care Clinic a Bad Idea?
When an illness or injury appears out of the blue, you may be uncertain about where to go for care. If the symptoms you’re facing aren’t life-threatening, but your doctor can’t get you in right away or their office is closed, you can head to your closest urgent care clinic. While many urgent care facilities […]
Car Accident Recovery: What Comes After the Hospital Stay?
Recovering from an automobile crash can be a long process. While it’s likely a hospital stay is the first step in healing, this is often the shortest step. The process really begins once you are home. Even with doctor’s orders, it can be difficult to know what to do once you’re home. You may be […]
Complications that Arise from Soft Tissue Injuries: Part 2 – Sprains
Soft-tissue injuries are injuries that occur to muscles, tendons, tissues, and ligaments, as compared to injuries like fractures and breaks, which involve breaking or fracturing a bone. A couple of weeks ago, we went over one common type of soft tissue injury, strains. This time, we’re going to go over sprains. Sprains are another common […]
How To Block the Ability To Text While Driving
While aggressive driving behaviors like speeding and tailgating are responsible for their fair share of accidents, there is another in particular that causes many wrecks: Distracted driving. Many people drive with cell phones and try to use their device while driving. Accidents occur because people are looking down at their phones and don’t see what’s […]
Can Soft Tissue Damage Be Permanent?
When thinking about the physical consequences related to accidents, fractures are probably one of the first injuries that come to mind. While broken bones can be serious, there are other injuries that can result in just as much pain and a long recovery process. One of those injuries is soft tissue damage. While a number […]
Complications that Arise from Soft Tissue Injuries: Part 1 – Strains
The Law Office of Mike Campbell has joined forces with Thomas Law Offices as of September 1st, 2020. Click here for details. Soft-tissue injuries are injuries that occur to muscles, tendons, tissues, and ligaments, as compared to injuries like fractures and breaks, which involve breaking or fracturing a bone. According to the American Academy of […]
Why Does Sexual Violence Often Go Unreported?
Sexual assaults are a horrific crime that a large amount of people have unfortunately experienced. About 23 million women and 1.7 million men have suffered from rape or attempted rape during their lifetime. This is an unacceptable and terrible thing. While we cannot undo what was done, the lawyers at Thomas Law Offices can offer […]
How Do Self-Driving Cars Perform in Ice and Snow?
As autonomous vehicles and their continued development continue to make headlines, we need to question how they will perform in poor weather conditions, like ice and snow. As the driver of a vehicle, you know it can be challenging and even dangerous to drive in inclement weather. While some drivers are reckless in poor weather, […]
What’s the Difference Between Civil and Criminal Litigation?
If you’re looking to hire a lawyer, you may be wondering what kind of lawyer you need. There isn’t only one type of litigation. Cases can be criminal or civil and it’s important to know the differences between these types so you know what to expect for your litigation process. If you’ve been a victim […]
To What Extent Am I Obligated To Avoid Causing a Car Wreck?
When you’re driving, you owe other drivers on the road a duty of care. This means you’ll obey traffic laws, such as adhering to the speed limit, driving cautiously, and always signaling before you turn or switch lanes. But there may be cases where other cars don’t offer you a duty of care. In these […]
When Will the Other Party’s Insurer Pay for Medical Bills After a Crash?
The Law Office of Mike Campbell has joined forces with Thomas Law Offices as of September 1st, 2020. Click here for details. If you were injured in a car accident, you should know that most automobile insurance companies will not pay your medical bills while you treat. In other words, if you are currently treating […]
Can I Hire a Kentucky Lawyer if I Live in Another State?
As a general rule, an attorney needs to be licensed to practice law in the state in which he or she is representing an individual. There are however, exceptions to this rule.