Every new year brings with it new laws and amendments that will shape the coming year and the future overall. The start of 2022 is no different. In Ohio, residents will see a few definitive changes early in the year—in January—as well as potential changes later in the year that legislation will debate and decide upon in the year’s first legislative sessions. As a resident of Ohio, it’s essential to know about the upcoming changes in order to be prepared.
Listed below are just some of the new Ohio laws and amendments 2022 will bring.
Note: Some of what is listed below may still be subject to change, especially the bills and amendments that have yet to be voted on during legislation.
Minimum Wage Increase
Effective on January 1st, Ohio’s minimum wage will increase. For non-tipped employees, the new minimum wage will be $9.30 per hour. For tipped employees, the new minimum wage will be $4.65 per hour. These new minimums will apply to all employees of businesses that earn more than $342,000 a year in gross income.
For employees of companies that make less than $342,000 a year grossly, the minimum wage will still be set to the federal rate, which is $7.25 an hour. For employees that are 14-15 years old, the minimum wage will also remain at the federal level.
For employers looking to update their minimum wage and overtime posters, they can find the updated version here.
Real Property Exemption Law Changes
Taking effect in the new tax year for 2022 (January 1st), a new provision in House Bill 110 states that real property owners who own property that’s exempt from property taxes must notify the county auditor if their exempt property no longer qualifies for exemption. This change potentially affects owners of hospitals, churches, and other use-based exempt properties.
For property owners who do not notify their county auditor in time, there will be a monetary penalty. Property owners have up until December 31st of the year in which the property no longer qualifies for exemption to notify the county auditor. The penalty will be “equal to the total amount by which taxes were reduced for any of the five preceding tax years.”
Title III Accommodations
Cincinnati Ordinance No. 202102521, slated to become effective on January 1st, 2022, will require all places of public accommodation to provide equal access to single-occupancy toilet facilities for all persons regardless of their sex, gender, physical capacity, mental capacity, or familial status.
COVID-19 Withholding Extension and Changes
During 2021, employers were allowed to extend the HB 191 withholding procedures that were put into effect to help employees who were transitioning back to working post-COVID. HB 191 allowed employers to continue to withhold at an employee’s principal place of work prior to the pandemic instead of the municipality where the employee temporarily worked (such as in instances where employees worked from home).
Effective January 1st, 2022, employers will be required to revert to the pre-COVID 20-day rule. This will require employers to carefully evaluate remote work plans.
Individual Income Tax Law Changes
As part of Ohio’s 2022-2023 Biennial Budget Tax Reform, HB 110 reduced the individual income tax rates for all income brackets by 3%. It also eliminated the top individual income tax bracket (formerly 4.797%) for Ohio taxpayers with AGIs (annual gross income) over $217,000. For taxpayers with an Ohio AGI over $110,650, the new tax bracket will be 3.99% instead of 4.413%.
Finally, the rate of the lowest tax bracket has been increased. Individuals with an Ohio AGI of under $25,000 (previously under $21,750) will not owe the state any income tax.
These changes are effective in the new 2022 tax year and the reductions, specifically, are effective retroactively to January 1, 2021.
Looking Forward to a Bright 2022
At Thomas Law Offices, we take pride in doing whatever we can to help Cincinnati residents and all Ohio residents stay on top of law changes that may be pertinent to a legal case they have pending or are considering filing. If you have any questions about new 2022 laws and how they may affect an injury case you have filed in the state of Ohio, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our office today.
Additionally, if you have any legal questions about an injury you or a loved one sustained, we may be able to help. We offer zero-cost initial case consultations to anyone who is considering filing a claim.